The 5 Most Hated Famous Hollywood celebrity of 2013

While a lot has been said about the sexiest people in Hollywood and the ones most searched for on the internet, a new list has now come out. It is about the most hated people in Hollywood.

A leading Star Magazine conducted a special poll on this one.

Here we go....! 

#1. Gwyneth Paltrow
Gwyneth Paltrow, apparently, is the most hated celebrity of 2013. Once again, this is according to Star magazine, and Star ain't never lied about nothing. This isn't a huge shocker; people have hated Gwyneth Paltrow for a long time now, but the demographic that generates the majority of the anger aimed in her direction is a bit of a surprise. To put it bluntly, it's women. Well, women and Soren Bowie, but mostly women.
Cluelessly condescending Gwyneth Paltrow believes she can improve the lives of others by telling them how to eat, sleep, groom, even poop. She's a "rich white woman with an eating disorder turned into a branding opportunity," critics say. She tries too hard at acts that should be effortless, like digesting. Tries Too Hard, it should be noted, is a category dominated by females. Male offenders are those who overstep assigned roles, like Ashton Kutcher (No. 2 on the list) striving for tech-world relevance or Justin Bieber (No. 4) trying to rap. 

#2. Ashton Kutcher
Ashton Kutcher is an interesting pick. I guess my opinion on the validity of all the hate he gets depends on what it is about him that you hate. Is it Two and a Half Men? If so, I'm with you -- that's a really terrible show. I think holding it against him personally is a little harsh. He doesn't write the show. Still, though, if his current job is your gripe, we are one.

#3. Taylor Swift 

#4. Justin Bieber
Fourth most-hated celebrity Justin Bieber, meanwhile, is a paradox of effort. Contrived hairdos and words like swag suggest he tries too hard. But the narrative he sells is about luck against the odds — or, as a critic might put it, success that is unearned. An informal survey I conducted of Bieber haters yielded the following complaints: "conceited teen prick," "drop-crotch pants," "perpetually open mouth," "swag," "swaggy," "squirmy dance move that is like a figure-eight moonwalk," "scrawny but thinks he is big, the kind of guy who watches himself in the mirror at the gym while lifting two-pound weights." His bravado is simultaneously affected (trying too hard) and ineffectual (meaning he needs to try harder).

#5. Kim Kardashian

To conclude, Hating celebrities is obviously a cherished online activity, but why do we do it? Are we projecting anxiety? Attacking symbols? Bullying? To more precisely understand the phenomenon, I considered the most loathsome attributes of each celebrity. I found that each fit into one of three overlapping categories: Tries Too Hard, Doesn't Try Hard Enough, and Crimes Against Other Celebrities. According to these categories mentioned above they are top listed.